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School prayers

This page contains some prayers for use in primary schools in collective worship and church services.

Harvest prayers
Advent prayers
Christmas prayers
Lent prayers
Easter prayers
Pentecost prayers
Trinity prayers
End of year prayers
Forgiveness prayers
Language skills - prayers


We give thanks for the harvest. We thank you, Lord our God, that the sowing and the reaping have all been done. For those who work in the fields, on farms and in factories, making the food we eat: we thank you, Lord.

We have given our harvest gifts, so that others may be fed. We pray for them, that they may be glad to receive these symbols of caring and sharing.

We recognise many signs of your love: in the beauty of the world, in songs and stories, in the offering of your Son, in prayers in this holy house; in the silence of our hearts may we know the peace of your presence.


Advent prayers

We thank you, Lord God, for the prophets and leaders who looked forward to the coming of Jesus the Saviour.
We thank you for those who prepared the way for him, like John the Baptist.
We thank you for the angels you sent with the message about Jesus.
and we thank you for Mary, who believed the message and was willing to do your will.
we thank you most of all for Jesus, who was born to save us.

In this Advent time, when we get ready for Christmas, help us to hear your message, to be excited that you want to be with us, and help us to an tto be part of your plan for this world you care so much about.


Christmas carol service prayers


We gather together today to hear with joy the message brought by angels. We shall journey in heart and mind to Bethlehem, to reflect on the nativity of our Saviour, and to bow in adoration and humility before the throne of God.

We shall do this through song, and through listening to the holy word of God; and as we lift up our hearts in praise, we shall also pray: for peace on earth, for fellowship among those created in the image of God, for care for the poor and needy, for the unity of the Church, and for ourselves.

Let us pray:


O God, who fills us with joy at the yearly remembrance of the birth of your only Son, Jesus Christ, give us ever thankful hearts for the holy child destined to be the Saviour of the world, and sustain us in the hope which will be fulfilled in your eternal kingdom.

PRAYERS (set 1)

Heavenly Father, our hearts are full of praise for the Christ child. His lowly cradle on earth was down at the level of poor and humble people like the shepherds who knelt before him.
God of love
Hear our prayer.

We also bow in adoration and worship before you, for your great love has come among us in the precious gift of your Son.
God of love
Hear our prayer.

We pray that the peace that Jesus came to bring may descend on human hearts, quenching anger and dissolving hate.
God of love
Hear our prayer.

Through Jesus Christ you have blessed all human beings. May we recognise your image in others, and care for all your children.
God of love
Hear our prayer.

Jesus is the first of many brothers and sisters. You have called us to be members of his family; help us to live in harmony together and to help each other.
God of love
Hear our prayer.

May the hope that Jesus brought into the world be seen in our hearts, our words and our actions, for his sake.

PRAYERS (set 2)

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ, born into our world. As we look forward to giving and receiving gifts, we thank you for all the good things we enjoy.
God of love
hear our prayer.

We pray for people who are not looking forward to Christmas, because they are cold or hungry, or are on their own. May they receive the things they need, and find friendship and care.
God of love
hear our prayer.

As we celebrate the wonderful birth of Jesus our Saviour, which shows us your great love, we thank you for the joy of human birth. Protect and strengthen all babies and those who care for them.
God of love
hear our prayer.

We pray for our families and friends: for those travelling to celebrate Christmas, and for all our loved ones. May we share with each other in happiness and peace.
God of love
hear our prayer.

PRAYERS (set 3)

Lord God, Mary was willing to be the mother of Jesus; we pray for our families, and for all entrusted with the care of children: that they may know love and care.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers.

Jesus was born in a stable, a temporary home; we pray for refugees and all who are homeless today, that they may find a place where they can rest.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers.

The shepherds came to worship Jesus; we pray for all who do not know you, and for those who are unhappy or unwell, that they may come close and be glad in your presence.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers.

The angels filled the sky with praise because of Jesus; may our lives be lit up with joy at the good news of the gift of Jesus Christ to all the world, today and always.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers.


May God, who in Jesus Christ united earth and heaven, grant you his peace in your hearts, the joy of his Holy Spirit, and the love which knows no end; and the blessing ...



Let's pray firstly for ourselves: Dear Lord God, help me to get rid of the bad things in my life ... : help me to be clean on the inside.

A prayer for the world: We pray for the world: make it better, Lord. Stop the bombing and fighting in our world : help all people to be sorry for the wrong things they have done: and help them to try harder and to do better things.

A prayer for those who are ill: Please look after the people we know who are unhappy and all who are sick: make them well again, and help them to be happy.


Easter prayers (1)

Dear Lord God, we thank you that you are a forgiving God, who wipes out all the wrongs from the past, and starts anew with us today.

Bring healing and comfort to those who are anxious, upset, lonely, or ill today; encourage those who help and care for them. May all who suffer be led from pain to peace.

We give you thanks for your loving mercy shown to us in Jesus Christ, who endured the suffering of the cross to overcome all that separates us from you, and was raised up to new life.

Strengthen our faith in the victory of the cross and the hope of eternal life. Help us to grow in the life which does not end, in love and friendship with you, which lasts for ever; through your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Easter prayers (2)

Lord our God, we thank and praise you for the greatness of your love, shown to us in Jesus Christ, who was willing to die for us, to bring us into your family, and to bless us with the life that lasts for ever.

We thank you for the new life we celebrate at Easter; help us to keep growing in the life that never comes to an end.

We pray for our families, our friends, and all those we care about: fill them with hope and happiness.

We pray for people who are unhappy today: those who are hungry, or homeless, those who fear violence or harm; may they find protection and peace.

We pray for those who are ill, or facing difficulties: may they find hope in the cross of Christ, and be strengthened by the knowledge of your love.

Lord, accept our prayers, and be with us now and for ever.

Easter Blessing

May the loving power of God,
which raised Jesus to new life,
strengthen you in hope,
enrich you with his love,
and fill you with joy in the faith;
and the blessing …


Pentecost prayers

Heavenly Father, your Holy Spirit, like a wind from heaven, blows away all that is bad. May that holy wind blow away the sadness and the wickedness in our world, and bring calm and peace.
Generous God
pour out your love.

Your Holy Spirit burns up like fire, to cleanse and renew. May that cleansing fire make us clean on the inside, destroying sin, and changing us for good.
Generous God
pour out your love.

Your Holy Spirit is like a flame that enlightens human hearts. May that flame lighten our darkness, and guide us in the the ways of peace and justice.
Generous God
pour out your love.

Your Holy Spirit hovered over the world at the beginning of creation. May that hovering Spirit descend on our world today, to mend and to heal, to restore all that is damaged, and bring about the fullness of your new creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Lord God almighty, we thank you for your concern for your creation that reaches down from heaven, and for your tender love that reaches out to us in the life of Jesus, and for your continuing care touching us in your Holy Spirit. We don't understand you, but we love you. Thank you that when we love, we become like you.


End of year


Lord God, as we come together in this special place, awaken us to your presence, that we may be touched by your peace, sing your praise, and know your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Let us give thanks for the past year. For the things we have learnt, for the fun we have had, for the skills we have gained, for the help we have had, and for the friends we have made, in thanksgiving let us pray to the Lord:
We pray to you our God.

Let us pray for people who have had a difficult year. For those who have been ill, for those who have been killed or injured, and for those who are unhappy or anxious, let us pray to the Lord:
We pray to you our God.

Let us pray for the world. For an end to terrorism, for peace where there is war, for healing where there is hurt, for food where there is hunger, for care for the environment, and for respect for all human life, let us pray to the Lord:
We pray to you our God.

Let us pray for those leaving school at the end of this year. For pupils, teachers, helpers; for their new schools, new friends, and new activities; and for their well-being, let us pray to the Lord:
We pray to you our God.

Let us pray for ourselves and for the future. For a happy holiday time, for safety for those who travel, for families and friends, for help and guidance in the new school year, and for continuing growth in faith and hope and love, let us pray to the Lord:
We pray to you our God.

Hear us, heavenly Father, as we offer our prayers to you – the prayers we have said, and the silent prayers of our hearts – through your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.


May God give us light to guide us, courage to support us, and love to unite us; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you always.



Lord God, we thank you for your love, forgiving us when we sin, when we are unkind, or unfair, or selfish. Help us when we are hurt, to forgive others, and to be fair even if others are unfair. We pray for people we don't like: Help us to be kind to people we don't like. Help us to forgive them, as you forgive us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Language skills

You have given us language – words to say and to hear. Help us to grow in understanding, and to use our skills for blessing and not hurting others.
